Upgrade your single-speaker BirdXPeller Pro unit to a two-speaker system with this remote extension speaker which simply plugs into the back of the main unit using a pre-wired audio jack. The remote extension speaker can also be used so that the BirdXpeller Pro can be located at ground level as a “control” unit with the remote speaker operating at height where the birds are. This saves you having to climb on the roof to adjust the unit’s settings. Can be operated in tandem with the built-in speaker, or alone with the built-in speaker switched off.
Extend the capabilities of your Quadblaster QB4 by erradicating sound shadows using this plug-in extension speaker. High frequency sound waves will not travel through solid objects or around corners. Use the extension speaker to throw the high frequency sounds around obstacles. When you plug the speaker into one of the four speaker jacks built in to the QB-4 unit is will switch off the corresponding built-in speaker.